Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Pack Meeting Friday, May 30

What: Our final Pack Meeting for the scouting year!
When: 6:30pm Friday, May 30
Where: Lincoln Elementary Auditorium

Scouts should be in FULL UNIFORM!

It's time for advancement! Let's celebrate our achievements for the year!

Parents, if you have any outgrown uniforms, or last year's neckerchiefs, caps, and/or sliders that you do not wish to keep, please consider donating them to our uniform closet. Please give them to Veronica Alcalde at any time during the year.

Dine-Out Night Fundraiser at Joselitos!

Pack 310 families and friends!
We are having a dining out night fundraiser this Thursday evening at Joselito's in Montrose (NOT the Tujunga location). A percentage of proceeds from the evening will benefit Pack 310, but you MUST bring a copy of the flyer from the pack email (to come) and put your receipt in the box by the cash register when you pay. Print out extra flyers to give to friends and family!





 (818) 957-1901

TIME: 5:00 PM TO CLOSE (9:45 PM)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Campus Beautification at Lincoln Elementary!

What: Campus Beautification Day service project

Where: Lincoln Elementary School

When: 8:30am-11:30am Saturday, May 10

Please join us for the bi-annual Lincoln Campus Beautification.

We will be weeding, pruning, doing general clean-up and planting flowers in the pots outside the classrooms. Gardening tools are available.

Any amount of time you can volunteer will be greatly appreciated!

Please wear your Pack 310 T-shirt and your scout hat.

Donuts, juice and water will be provided.

All Scouts that help out will earn a fun patch! Make sure you check in with Miss Rachelle!

Questions? Please contact Rachelle at rachellecat@yahoo.com