Join Us

Want to join the fun with Pack 310? We have space available for kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th-grade boys and girls. Our Cub Scouting year starts in August and ends in May, and we have summer activities too! You may join at any point in the year.

For Lions (Kindergarten in 2023-2024 school year) 
For Tigers (1st grade in 2023-2024 school year) 
For Wolves (2nd grade in 2023-2024 school year) 
For Bears (3rd grade in 2023-2024 school year) 
For Webelos I (4th grade in 2023-2024 school year) 
For Webelos II (5th grade in 2023-2024 school year) 

Please contact the pack at and you will be put in touch with the correct den leader. 

When you are ready to sign up, please follow this link to join us.

Why join Cub Scouts with Pack 310? 

Because not only does it provide a structured program where the scout learns, not just how, but why it's important to be a good citizen, the scouting experience bonds the boys and girls as friends. And that goes for the parents & families as well. Joining scouts has introduced people to lifelong friends who look out for each other and, not to mention, just plain enjoy socializing with one another. 
Through scouting, your children will learn new skills, develop new interests, and build their own self-confidence, all while having fun.

Pack 310 serves La Crescenta and Tujunga Valley. We are the home Pack for four elementary schools in the La Crescenta and Tujunga Valley; including Lincoln ElementaryLa Crescenta ElementryValley View Elementry, and Apperson Elementry, although we also have many members from other schools. 

Which Cub Scout pack is assigned to my child's school?
* Check the Verdugo Hills Council website:

You may join the pack of your choice, however, most scouts prefer to stay in Cub Scouts with their classmates.

Need more reasons? 

Here is what the Boy Scouts of America says:

As a worldwide brotherhood, Scouting is unique. It is a movement dedicated to bringing out the best in people. Cub Scouting doesn't emphasize winning as an end result, but rather the far more demanding task of doing one's best. Helping a boy to learn the value of his own worth is the greatest gift we can give him.

Cub Scouting Is Fun

Boys and girls join Cub Scouting because they want to have fun. "Fun" means a lot more than just having a good time- it's the satisfaction he gets from meeting challenges, having friends, feeling good about himself, and feeling he is important to other people. While the children are having fun and doing things they like to do, they also learn new things, discover and master new skills, gain self-confidence, and develop strong friendships.

Cub Scouting Has Ideals

Cub Scouting has ideals of spiritual and character growth, citizenship training, and personal fitness. The Cub Scout Promise is a pledge of duty to God and family. The Law of the Pack is a simple formula for good Cub Scouting and good citizenship. The Cub Scout motto, "Do Your Best," is a code of excellence. Symbols, such as the Cub Scout sign and Cub Scout salute, help boys feel a part of a distinct group.

Cub Scouting Strengthens Families

The family is an important influence on our nation's youth. There are many different types of family structures in today's world. Scouting is a support to all types of families as well as to organizations to which families belong. We believe in involving families in the training of youth, and we are sensitive to the needs of present-day families. Cub Scouting provides opportunities for family members to work and play together, to have fun together, and to get to know each other a little better.

Cub Scouting Helps Boys and Girls Develop Interests and Skills

In Cub Scouting, boys and girls participate in a broad array of activities. Cub Scouts develop ability and dexterity, and they learn to use tools and to follow directions. Recognition and awards encourage them to learn about a variety of subjects, such as conservation, safety, physical fitness, community awareness, academic subjects, sports, and religious activities. These interests might become a hobby or even a career later in life.

Cub Scouting Provides Adventure

Cub Scouting helps fulfill a boy's and girl's desire for adventure and allows them to use their vivid imagination while taking part in skits, games, field trips, service projects, outdoor activities, and more. Boys and girls find adventure in exploring the outdoors, learning about nature, and gaining a greater appreciation for our beautiful world.

Cub Scouting Has an Advancement Plan

The advancement plan recognizes a boy's and girl's efforts and achievements. It provides fun for them, teaching them to do their best, and helping strengthen understanding as family members work with boys on advancement requirements. Badges are awarded to recognize advancement. The real benefit comes from the worthwhile things that boy and girls learn while they earn their badges, and grow their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Cub Scouting Creates Fellowship

Boys like to be accepted as part of a group. In Cub Scouting, boys and girls belong to a small group called a den where they take part in interesting and meaningful activities with their friends. The Cub Scout den and pack are positive places where children can feel emotionally secure and find support. Each child gains status and recognition and has a sense of belonging to this group.

Cub Scouting Promotes Diversity

In Cub Scouting, boys and girls may learn to interact in a group that may include boys and girls of various ethnicities, income levels, religions, and levels of physical ability. By having fun together and working as a group toward common goals, Cub Scouts learn the importance of not only getting along, but also of working side by side with other children of different races, classes, religions, cultures, etc.

Cub Scouting Teaches Duty to God and Country

The Scouting movement has long been known for service to others. Scouting believes that patriotism plays a significant role in preparing our nation's youth to become useful and participating citizens. A Cub Scout learns his duty to God, country, others, and self.

Cub Scouting Provides a Year-Round Program

Cub Scouting has no specific "season"—it's a year-round program. While spring and summer pack activities are informal and there are many activities that Cub Scouts do outdoors, there's still plenty of fun to be had in the fall and winter: the pinewood derby, blue and gold banquet, skits, stunts, craft projects, and indoor games help to round out an entire year of fun and activities.

Cub Scouting Is a Positive Place

With all the negative influences in today's society, Scouting provides your child with a positive peer group who can encourage him in all the right ways. Carefully selected leaders provide good role models and a group setting where values are taught and help to reinforce positive qualities of character.