Monday, November 23, 2015

Black Friday Group Hike

Map of the trails (Mountain Do is in blue, Catalina Verdugo is in red).

Foothill District Commissioner Bob Fletcher has invited all Verdugo Hills Council packs to meet together for a hike on Black Friday to "Opt Outside."

What: Verdugo Hills Council Group Hike

When: 9am Friday, November 27th

Where: Glendale Sports Complex (see below)

From Mr. Fletcher:
  • Right up our hiking alley and taking direction from outfitter REI to #OptOutside for Black Friday, you are welcome to join scouters, scouts, pets and community members at the Glendale Sports Complex on Black Friday for a hike!
  • There are 3 different hikes for all levels of hikers - Mountain Do- really easy (my favorite & one my Basset Hound can handle), Catalina Verdugo- a little harder, and then a definite Boy Scout-difficulty level hike.
  • We will meet at 9am - then we will hashtag REI and Tweet, Facebook and whatever else to let the whole world know WE ARE OUTDOORS!
  • The Sports Complex is home to the Mountain Do trail and the Catalina Verdugo Trail, trail heads.
  • Attached is info for you about all the hiking levels! 
Neighbors, friends, relatives are all welcome!! 


Sports Complex Directions:

Please wear your pack T-shirt, and be prepared with sturdy shoes, water, a trail snack, and appropriate gear for the weather (warm clothes or a sun hat!).

Monday, November 16, 2015

Nov. 20th Pack Meeting- Thanks & Giving Potluck

What: Thanks & Giving Potluck Pack Meeting 
When: 6:30pm Friday, November 20th 
Where: Lincoln Elementary Auditorium 
Wear: Full uniform! We will be doing a uniform inspection to determine which den will eat first. 
Bring: A dish to pass and toiletry donations for Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission (see below)

What kind of food should I bring?
Last names beginning with 

A-G: bring a main dish (serving size 6-8 please)
H-O: bring salad or side dish
P-Z: bring dessert

Pack 310 holds an annual toiletry drive for Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission, to help families and individuals living in their shelters.
Below are items that are needed, anything helps. Please involve your scout when purchasing them, for example, go to the Dollar Store and have your child choose items themselves.
Hand Sanitizer
Diapers & baby wipes
Lip balm
Comb or hairbrush

Thank you for helping Pack 310 make a difference in our community!