Saturday, August 22, 2015

Now taking orders for Pack 310 T-shirts!

Time to order your Pack 310 T-shirts! 
Pack T-shirts are "Class B" uniforms, adult sizes are available too.
Shirts are $10 each and available to order in:
Youth Small, Medium, Large
Adult Small, Medium, Large, XL, and 2XL
Watch your email for an order form, or ask your den leader. We are NOT having extra shirts printed, if you want them, you must order them.
Please turn in orders & payments to Tina at the August 28th Pack Meeting.  
Orders must be received NO LATER THAN Friday, September 4th.
Shirts will be distributed at our September 25th Pack Meeting.
Front design
Back design

Reminder! Pack 310 car magnets are still available, $6 each or 2 for $10!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Final Summer Event- Pack Hike

Hello Pack 310 Families,
Welcome back to the school year. Hope you had a relaxing yet fun summer. Speaking of summer, we have one more summertime event. No, we had to cancel the geocaching. Apologies but we will reschedule that event - definitely will do it in the near future.

This next Sunday 8/23, we will have a pack hike. Come on out! We'll start early so it's not so hot. Also, it's an easy-ish hike so no last minute training needed this week :0)

What: Pack hike
When: SUNDAY 8/23, meet at 8:00am
Where: The JPL trail
-- Exit at Arroyo/Windsor off the 210 - TURN LEFT.
-- Go straight.
-- There is a small parking lot on the left or round the corner to the neighborhood and you can park.

More info:
Please bring: 

sun hats
trail snack

Wear pack t-shirts, no uniforms. Please keep pets at home.

Pack hikes are an excellent time to catch up with each other - both for the boys and the adults. We have a bunch of great new families and scouts joining Pack 310 this year. Will be a fun opportunity to get to know each other.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. CAR POOL if you can!

Remember, if your scout attends 3 of our 4 Summer Pack Events (Dodger game, pool party, Raingutter Regatta and geocaching pack hike) he will earn the Summertime Pack Award.