Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Family Hike! Sat. Jan. 2nd

What: We are kicking off 2016 with a Family Hike!
When: 9am Saturday, Jan. 2nd
Where: Glendale Sports Complex, Catalina Verdugo trail (see details below) 
Wear: Pack T-shirts, warm clothing, sturdy shoes. Bring water & a trail snack.

Sports Complex Directions:

We will meet to the right of the soccer fields and proceed to the Catalina Verdugo trail (pictured in red) from the small park behind the soccer fields, see map, click to enlarge. The trail ends behind the baseball diamonds at the parking lot.

About the Catalina Verdugo trail:
About 2 miles, not overly steep (some switchbacks), beginner to moderate level. The only issue is that there is a steep drop-off alongside some of the trail. Parents, please hike with your scouts and remind them to stay on the trail and not run.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Caroling! Friday, 12/11

Please join us as we go caroling for the residents at the Oakpark Healthcare Center in Tujunga. They are very excited to have us, so let's spread some scouting cheer. There will be a piano available if any Scouts want to play along, too.

What: Caroling!

When: Friday, December 11th
Meet at 4:45pm, sing at 5:00pm

Where: Oakpark Healthcare Center
9166 Tujunga Canyon Blvd., Tujunga, CA 91042

Wear: full uniform, optional Santa/reindeer hats

Important! Parking is very limited.
Car pooling is greatly encouraged, please talk with other families in your den.

Upcoming events:
Jan 2nd, informal pack hike at Glendale Sports Complex
Jan 22nd, Pinewood Derby-- get going on building your car!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Montrose Holiday Parade Sat. Dec. 5th

Hello Pack 310 families,

Are you ready? Here's the info for this Saturday's Montrose Parade event:

What: Montrose Holiday Parade!

When: Arrive between 5:15 & 5:30, parade starts at 6:10pm
At least ONE PARENT is required to stay with the Pack (and their scout) until the parade starts. The kids get wired up while waiting for the parade to begin :0) 

Where: Before the parade: Meet at the corner of Hermosa and Rosemont Avenues.
After the parade: Promptly pick up your scout afterwards at the Carl's Jr. lot on Verdugo,
and make sure your den leader knows when you have picked them up!

Wear: Dress warm, scouts & any adults marching need to be in FULL UNIFORM. Please try to avoid winter jackets over the uniform (instead wear warm clothing underneath) so the pack can show their colors. Rain or shine!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Black Friday Group Hike

Map of the trails (Mountain Do is in blue, Catalina Verdugo is in red).

Foothill District Commissioner Bob Fletcher has invited all Verdugo Hills Council packs to meet together for a hike on Black Friday to "Opt Outside."

What: Verdugo Hills Council Group Hike

When: 9am Friday, November 27th

Where: Glendale Sports Complex (see below)

From Mr. Fletcher:
  • Right up our hiking alley and taking direction from outfitter REI to #OptOutside for Black Friday, you are welcome to join scouters, scouts, pets and community members at the Glendale Sports Complex on Black Friday for a hike!
  • There are 3 different hikes for all levels of hikers - Mountain Do- really easy (my favorite & one my Basset Hound can handle), Catalina Verdugo- a little harder, and then a definite Boy Scout-difficulty level hike.
  • We will meet at 9am - then we will hashtag REI and Tweet, Facebook and whatever else to let the whole world know WE ARE OUTDOORS!
  • The Sports Complex is home to the Mountain Do trail and the Catalina Verdugo Trail, trail heads.
  • Attached is info for you about all the hiking levels! 
Neighbors, friends, relatives are all welcome!! 


Sports Complex Directions:

Please wear your pack T-shirt, and be prepared with sturdy shoes, water, a trail snack, and appropriate gear for the weather (warm clothes or a sun hat!).

Monday, November 16, 2015

Nov. 20th Pack Meeting- Thanks & Giving Potluck

What: Thanks & Giving Potluck Pack Meeting 
When: 6:30pm Friday, November 20th 
Where: Lincoln Elementary Auditorium 
Wear: Full uniform! We will be doing a uniform inspection to determine which den will eat first. 
Bring: A dish to pass and toiletry donations for Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission (see below)

What kind of food should I bring?
Last names beginning with 

A-G: bring a main dish (serving size 6-8 please)
H-O: bring salad or side dish
P-Z: bring dessert

Pack 310 holds an annual toiletry drive for Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission, to help families and individuals living in their shelters.
Below are items that are needed, anything helps. Please involve your scout when purchasing them, for example, go to the Dollar Store and have your child choose items themselves.
Hand Sanitizer
Diapers & baby wipes
Lip balm
Comb or hairbrush

Thank you for helping Pack 310 make a difference in our community!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Halloween Carnival Pack Meeting Fri 10/30

What: Pack 310's Halloween Carnival/October Pack Meeting

When: 7pm Friday, October 30th

Where: Lincoln Elementary Auditorium

Wear: Your COSTUME!


Join us for some spooky Halloween fun! Meet Frankenstein, play games, and enjoy a scary visit from Spike! Siblings welcome.

Costume contest: 
  • Scariest
  • Funniest
  • Most Creative

Den pumpkin contest: 
  • Scout-themed
  • Scariest
  • Most Creative  

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Family Dine Out! Joselito's in Montrose 10/28

Take a break from cooking and bring your families, relatives and friends in support of Pack 310!

When: 5pm-9pm Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

Where: Joselito's Montrose
2345 Honolulu Ave.
Montrose, CA 91020
(818) 957-1901

A percentage of proceeds will benefit our pack!

No flyer required, simply place your receipt in the labeled box at the front desk of the restaurant. Tell your friends!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September Pack Meeting- Friday, Sept. 25th

Hello Pack 310 Families!

A friendly reminder that this Friday we have a Pack meeting held at Lincoln auditorium. Hope to see you there. 

Where: Lincoln Auditorium
When: 7pm this Friday September 25th
What: Theme -Cubservation!
Wear: Scouts must be in full uniform!

ALSO -- Please let our Camping Chair Cindee Timm know if you're going on the pack camp-out Oct 2-4. $25/person plus $10 if you're doing archery. Camping, hiking, archery, Saturday breakfast, Mario's Saturday Night Campfire story, the great outdoors, it's going to be fun!
AND -- Please pay your dues if you haven't already! 
If you are a new scout, or you have moved, you will also need to fill out an application. 

Thank you!!

Fall Pack Campout Oct 2nd-4th

Where: Camp Josepho Boy Scout Campground

Map & Directions:

When: October 2-4, 2015

Cost per camper: $25 +$10 for archery (optional)


Planned Activities:
  • Nature Trail Hiking
  • Archery (additional $10)  
  • Camping Omelet Breakfast
  • Smores, Talent Show & Campfire Tales
  • Individual Den Activities

Please be sure to check out “Rules of the Road” on the above link for directions, as well as fill out the yearly medical forms and permission slips to bring with you.

R.S.V.P. with payment to 

Camping Chair Cindee Timm by Friday, Sept. 25th

Suggested Camping Gear List- Scouts & Each Family Member
**Please have your scout participate in packing**


  • Sleeping Bag (with sheet/light blanket recommended)
  • Sleeping Pad (recommended)
  • Backpack/Duffel Bag/Etc

Inside Bag:

  • Jacket
  • Sweater/sweatshirt
  • 2 pr. Long pants
  • 2 Long sleeved shirt
  • 3 pairs of Shorts
  • 3 Short sleeved shirts (no tank tops)
  • 3 sets underwear & socks
  • Extra pair shoes (not sandals)
  • Hat (full brim recommended)
  • Swimsuit
  • Shoes for beach
  • Towel
  • Pajamas (sweat pants and sweat shirt recommended)
  • Rain gear/poncho
  • Toiletries (in a zip-lock bag to prevent leaky messes)
  • Soap
  • Hand towel & washcloth
  • Sunscreen
  • Tooth paste & brush
  • Comb/brush
  • Lip balm
  • Flashlight (with extra bulb & batteries in a zip-lock bag)
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Day pack (small backpack)
  • Chair (portable folding chair)
  • Large plastic bag for wet/dirty items
  • BSA Medical form for EACH PARTICIPANT (scouts, siblings and parents)
  • Permission slips (see email)


  • Camera
  • Sunglasses
  • Pillow
  • Comfort item
    Don't forget: meals/snacks & water/beverages for your family!
    We will cook camp omelets together on Sunday morning, the pack will provide the ingredients.

Scouts- DO NOT BRING: Any electronic device such as smartphones, iPods, iPads, etc. We are here to camp and enjoy the outdoors!

Parents- Please set a good example and stay off of your devices too!!! (YES you can use your camera!)


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Now taking orders for Pack 310 T-shirts!

Time to order your Pack 310 T-shirts! 
Pack T-shirts are "Class B" uniforms, adult sizes are available too.
Shirts are $10 each and available to order in:
Youth Small, Medium, Large
Adult Small, Medium, Large, XL, and 2XL
Watch your email for an order form, or ask your den leader. We are NOT having extra shirts printed, if you want them, you must order them.
Please turn in orders & payments to Tina at the August 28th Pack Meeting.  
Orders must be received NO LATER THAN Friday, September 4th.
Shirts will be distributed at our September 25th Pack Meeting.
Front design
Back design

Reminder! Pack 310 car magnets are still available, $6 each or 2 for $10!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Final Summer Event- Pack Hike

Hello Pack 310 Families,
Welcome back to the school year. Hope you had a relaxing yet fun summer. Speaking of summer, we have one more summertime event. No, we had to cancel the geocaching. Apologies but we will reschedule that event - definitely will do it in the near future.

This next Sunday 8/23, we will have a pack hike. Come on out! We'll start early so it's not so hot. Also, it's an easy-ish hike so no last minute training needed this week :0)

What: Pack hike
When: SUNDAY 8/23, meet at 8:00am
Where: The JPL trail
-- Exit at Arroyo/Windsor off the 210 - TURN LEFT.
-- Go straight.
-- There is a small parking lot on the left or round the corner to the neighborhood and you can park.

More info:
Please bring: 

sun hats
trail snack

Wear pack t-shirts, no uniforms. Please keep pets at home.

Pack hikes are an excellent time to catch up with each other - both for the boys and the adults. We have a bunch of great new families and scouts joining Pack 310 this year. Will be a fun opportunity to get to know each other.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. CAR POOL if you can!

Remember, if your scout attends 3 of our 4 Summer Pack Events (Dodger game, pool party, Raingutter Regatta and geocaching pack hike) he will earn the Summertime Pack Award.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Summer Event- RECYCLED Raingutter Regatta

What: Recycled Raingutter Regatta
When: 10am-noon Sunday, August 2nd
Where: Crescenta Valley Park, behind the dog park

Bring: Materials to share for boat building, such as juice boxes, Capri-Sun packets, plastic water bottles-- make sure everything is empty & clean.
Bring a clean cap from a milk jug to make a MONSTER neckerchief slide-- see below!

PLEASE RSVP to Miss Tina (see pack email) by MONDAY, July 27th so we have enough materials and sundae fixin's!

Siblings welcome!!

Join us for a low-stakes Recycled Raingutter Regatta! 
This is a FUN (no pressure, no brackets!) race with the focus on building a CREATIVE, cool, and sea-worthy boat out of recycled materials.
Please bring any materials you can, we will have extra supplies and duct tape.

After the race we will turn the rain gutters into a GIANT build-your-own-sundae bar!!!

Remember, if your scout attends 3 of our 4 Summer Pack Events (Dodger game, pool party, geocaching, and Raingutter Regatta) he will earn the Summertime Pack Award. 

Bring a clean milk jug cap and make a recycled monster neckerchief slide! See this link for more info.

Event will be rescheduled in case of rain!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Geocaching Picnic Rescheduled to Aug. 16th

 UPDATE: this event has been cancelled and will be rescheduled later in the year.

Pack 310's Geocaching Picnic has been RESCHEDULED from Sunday, July 19th to Sunday, August 16th.
You MUST RSVP to Miss Rachelle by August 8th so she has enough materials for everyone.
Watch for a pack email with details!

See you at our next Summer Pack Event, our Raingutter Regatta on Sunday, August 2nd!

Remember, if your scout attends 3 of our 4 Summer Pack Events (Dodger game, pool party, geocaching, and Raingutter Regatta) he will earn the Summertime Pack Award!

Hope everyone is having a great summer!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Summer Event- Pool Party- Saturday June 20th

Hello Pack 310 families,

Hope the summer's been kicking off to a fun start for you. We had an excellent time at the Dodger game. Glad to see those who made it out. THIS SATURDAY is our 2nd summer event - a pool party - hosted by the Hurtados! (Thank you Hurtado family!)

Here's all the info:
What: Pool Party/Pot Luck
Where: Hurtado Residence -- see pack email
Time: 1pm - 4pm THIS SATURDAY, June 20th
Bring: It's a potluck so bring an appetizer, drinks or snacks to share - plus towels and good spirits!

Please RSVP to the email from Mr. Timm and "reply all" so everyone knows who's bringing what. 

Remember, if your scout attends 3 of our 4 Summer Pack Events (Dodger game, pool party, geocaching, and Raingutter Regatta) he will earn the Summertime Pack Award!

Thank you!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Pack Meeting- Advancement- Fri 5/29

What: Pack Advancement Ceremony
When: 6:30pm Friday, May 29th
Where: Crescenta Valley Park, in the picnic area by the dog park.

It's the end of the scouting year, help our scouts celebrate their rank advancements!

Please bring a dessert, see pack email for details.
Miss Tina will have her beading ceremony for completing Wood Badge training.

Incoming 2015 Tiger families will be meeting together.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Dine Out Night- May 13th at Joselito's Montrose

What: Dine Out Night Fundraiser for Pack 310
When: 5pm-9:45pm Wednesday, May 13th
Where: Joselito's Montrose (not Tujunga)
2345 Honolulu Ave.
Montrose, CA 91020
(818) 957-1901 

Hello Pack 310 families! 
Take a night off from cooking and join us at Joselito's Montrose to support our pack. Please remember to put your receipt in the box so Pack 310 gets a percentage of the proceeds. Tell your family and friends too!
Thank you! Hope to see you all then!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Saturday, May 9th- Lincoln Elementary Beautification

What: Lincoln Elementary Campus Beautification
When: 8am-11am Saturday, May 9th
Wear: Pack T-shirt and scout cap

ALL Scouts should attend & help clean up the campus, even if they aren't Lincoln students, to give a big Pack 310 THANK YOU to Lincoln Elementary for allowing us to use their facilities for den & pack meetings!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

New Family Orientation- Saturday, May 2nd

Is your son currently in Kindergarten or 1st grade?
Want to see what Cub Scouting is all about?
Check out Pack 310's New Family Orientation, for next year's Tiger (1st grade) and Wolf (2nd grade) Cub Scouts.

When: Noon-2pm Saturday, May 2nd

Where: Crescenta Valley Park, behind the dog park

Learn about what Pack 310 has to offer, meet some of our scouts and parents, and shoot off a water bottle rocket! This summer you can join us for fun activities, including a pool party, geocaching, and our Raingutter Regatta.
Our pack has scouts from Lincoln Elementary, La Crescenta Elementary, Apperson Elementary and Mountain View Elementary.
Email Patti at for more information.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Webelos 2 Bridging Ceremony

What: Webelos II Bridging Ceremony

When: 6:15pm Friday April 24th
Where: Deukmejian Park - Ceremony in the little amphitheater. Reception on the grass picnic area overlooking the Crescenta Valley. 

Wear: FULL uniform
THIS FRIDAY 4/24, we will be joining our departing Webelos II Scouts as they bridge to Boy Scouts. These boys have worked very hard for the last 5 years and we'd love to help them celebrate. Please come out to show your support for their dedication to the community!

Please RSVP by Wednesday to Mr. Timm so we can get a head count for desserts :0) Thanks!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

New Pack 310 T-shirts coming!

(click to enlarge image)
NEW Pack 310 T-shirts are arriving in time for summer activities! 
Shirts are $10 each and available to order in:
Youth Small, Medium, Large
Adult Small, Medium, Large, XL, and 2XL
Watch your email for an order form, or ask your den leader. We are NOT having extra shirts printed, if you want them, you must order them.
Orders must be PAID and received by May 3rd, 2015.
Shirts will be distributed at our May Pack Meeting/Advancement.
Front design
Back design

Reminder! Pack 310 car magnets are still available, $6 each or 2 for $10!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Pack Service Project- Rosemont Preserve Restoration

What: Pack 310 Service Project

When: 9am-11am Saturday, April 11th

Where: Rosemont Preserve, 5107 Rosemont Ave, La Crescenta

Come out and help Pack 310 give back to our community! We will be doing invasive plant removal along with some trail maintenance and watering & weeding newly planted trees & plants. 
The Preserve is located in La Crescenta at the north end of Rosemont Avenue, just past the chain link fence. 

Directions: Exit La Crescenta Avenue off 210 fwy, proceed north to Foothill Blvd., turn right to Rosemont Avenue, turn left. Parking is available at Two Strike Park which is on the left side of Rosemont Avenue, 2 blocks before you get to the preserve (5107 Rosemont Ave). 

Please wear sturdy shoes, pack t-shirts and garden gloves (long pants and sleeves are recommended.) If you have any of the following tools, please consider bringing them: shovels, spades, loppers, hatchets, clippers. Other tools and equipment will be available. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Pack Hike March 29th

Hello Pack 310 Families,

Some of you have been enjoying your Spring Breaks and others are getting ready for theirs. Hope you had fun. We thought we'd change it up and bring the pack together for a group hike this Sunday March 29th. Siblings welcome!
Where: Cherry Canyon (near Descanso Gardens, La Canada)
When: Sunday March 29th
Time: Meet at 1pm sharp! Hike will be about 2 hours.
What: A somewhat easy hike yet wear comfortable shoes. Flip flops not recommended!
Wear: Cubs can wear their pack t-shirts. Remember sunscreen!
Bring: Water, water, water and a hat if it's sunny.

Directions: For Cherry Canyon, take Verdugo Blvd to Descanso Drive - go south toward Descanso Gardens. Turn right on Padres Trail, make an immediate left on Forest Hill Drive and go all the way to the top where you'll see the fire road. The pack will meet there.

Scouts will earn their Hiking Belt Loop.
We will discuss these rules while on a hike.
  • Hiking Safety
    • Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return.
    • Never hike alone or at night; use the buddy system.
    • Dress properly for the weather and environment.
    • Wear sun and insect protection
    • Take an extra pair of socks in case you need to change.
    • Obey traffic signs and signals.
    • Avoid hiking along roadways.
    • Stay on the trail.
    • Be alert to your surroundings.
    • Don't litter as you hike.
    • Be alert to dangerous animals, insects, and plants. Never touch a wild animal.
    • Take 1 pint of water for each hour you will be hiking. Never drink untreated water.
Hike leader will be Rachelle Miller.

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 8th- Reagan Presidential Library

Hello Pack 310 families,

Hope you had fun at our Blue & Gold!

Reminder that this Sunday, March 8th, we will be visiting the Ronald Reagan Museum. Pack will pay for all Cub Scouts. Families are welcome to invite siblings/guests, but will need to pay for the tickets:

  • $6/child (3-10 years)
  • $9/youth (11-17)
  • $16/adult
  • $13/senior (62+)
ADDRESS: 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley, CA 93065

Our scouts must be in full uniform. It's a presidential museum!

Please RSVP to Mike Timm by email so we can anticipate who will be attending. We will meet promptly at 10:30am in the courtyard. Mike will purchase tickets by 10:45am then we will go in. It's takes approx 2-3 hours to explore this museum. Food-wise: you may want to pack a lunch, bring snacks or enjoy the museum cafe. See website for further details.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Don't forget to carpool!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Spring Camping 2015

When:  May 15-17, 2015

Where:  Point Mugu State Park, Sycamore Canyon Campground
Map & Directions: From Los Angeles, take the 10 Freeway west through Santa Monica and follow PCH northwest for 32 miles through Malibu to Point Mugu State Park. Drive 3.2 miles past Yerba Buena Road, and turn right into Sycamore Canyon Campground.  

For more info, visit
Campground address: Sycamore Canyon Road, Point Mugu State Park, Malibu, CA 90265

Cost per camper: $15 plus $12/night per car (parking paid directly to the campground)

****R.S.V.P. with payment to Cindee Timm by April 1st. ****

Campground Information:
Sycamore Canyon Campground sits just off the beach in Point Mugu State Park on the west end of the Santa Monica Mountains in Malibu. The 13,300-acre park boasts beautiful beaches, rocky peaks, and miles and miles of hiking trails. Tents are welcome attack this drive-up campground. In addition to beach access, Sycamore Canyon Campground provides fire rings, picnic tables, potable water, coin showers, and flush toilets. The campground sits at the mouth of one of the two main canyons in Point Mugu State Park, Big Sycamore Canyon, and the campground is a convenient starting point for several hikes.

Planned Activities:

- Nature Trail Hiking

- Beach Fun

- Camping Omelet Breakfast

- Fire Pit Talent Show, Smores & Campfire Tales at the Amphitheatre

Important Info to Know: The gate is closed from 10pm to 8am, so there can be no latecomers (they won’t let you in the gate after 10pm) .  We are also VERY limited on parking (only 3 car per site and parking costs extra, first come, first served), so I would recommend carpooling. 

We only have 48 spots for campers, so the first people paid will be the first to get a spot.  If we get enough people over 48, we may be able to reserve an additional campsite if we have your RSVP enough in advance.  Please make sure your child’s medical forms are updated. Please note I have a new email address for any questions you might have. Hope to see you there!

Cindee Timm, Pack 310 Camping Chair

Blue and Gold Banquet!

What: Pack 310 Blue & Gold Banquet
When: 6:30pm Friday, February 27th
Where: Lincoln Elementary Auditorium

The Blue and Gold Banquet celebrates the anniversary of Scouting, which began in February of 1910. We will present awards promptly at 6:30 and begin eating at 7pm. Dinner will be catered by Stonefire Grill, with a cost of $5 per plate. 
Bring cash or check the night of the event, and we will also have the Square for credit card payments.
RSVP to Bear Leader Rachelle (see email) by TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th.

We will have a uniform inspection, so please make sure all Scouts are in proper uniform. See you there!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Pack 310 Dine Out Night

What: Dine Out Night Fundraiser
When: Wednesday, February 11th- all day
Where: Joselito's TUJUNGA (not Montrose location)
7308 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, CA 91042
Corner of Foothill & Hillhaven

Please join us for a Pack 310 Dine Out Night fundraiser! You must bring a copy of the flyer below for your purchase to count. Thank you for supporting our pack!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

First Aid Kit fundraiser forms DUE Jan. 16th!

Hello, everyone:

Thanks for participating in the First Aid Kit sale!

Just a reminder, first aid kit order forms and money are due to Katie at the Pinewood Derby Pack meeting, on January 16th Please make sure to collect all monies due before that time.  Remember, checks need to be made out to "BSA Pack 310." 


  • Make sure to check off "cash" or "check" next to each person's name and confirm payment is correct.
  • Fill out the total due (right side of page) and the total number of items (bottom of page) columns.
We will probably do one more show & sell before the end of January - Katie will send an email once she has confirmation.

Remember, your Scout earns money in his Scout account that he can use to pay for Scouting and camping supplies & fees.  It's a great way to pay your son's way in Scouting, and to support the Pack!

Thank you!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Pack 310 PInewood Derby

What: Pack 310 Pinewood Derby
When: Friday January 16th
Where: Lincoln Auditorium

  • Weigh-in starts at 6:00pm!
  • Weigh-in closes at 6:30pm!
  • 6:30 pm -- Derby officially begins with a flag ceremony

Along with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, here are the categories for special prizes:

• Fastest looking car
• Best paint job
• Most unusual 
• Best workmanship 
• Best scout themed 

Please remember car weight CANNOT exceed 5 ounces (including wheels & axles), you will not be permitted to race if it does-- so be sure to arrive with enough time to decrease/increase weight.
Don't be late, if you miss weigh-in, your car cannot race!
See you at the races!