Pinewood Derby 2019
Get your Pinewood Derby cars sanded, painted,
and ready to race!
When - Friday, January 25th
Where - Lincoln Auditorium
Wear - Cub Scout Uniforms
Time: 6 - 8:30 pm
- Weigh-in starts at 6:00pm
- Weigh-in closes at 6:30pm
- 6:30 pm -- Derby Official Start Time
NOTE: No late weigh-ins or entries will be allowed due to impact on bracket organization / etc.
AWARDS: Along with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize overall winners, we will have additional Pack 310 Categories to Aim For...Best Craftsmanship, Most Creative, Best Scout Theme
2019 Pack 310 Pinewood Derby Car Inspections Rules and Regulations Reminders...
1. Kit: The car must be made from an official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit.
Cars made from anything other than an Official BSA Pinewood Derby Kit are in violation of our rules and will be subject to disqualification from racing.
2. Weight: The car must not weigh more than 5.0 ounces.
The weight restriction will be enforced for all cars. No car will be allowed to check-in weighing more than 5.0 ounces, so please make sure your car does not weigh more than this BEFORE you arrive at the Derby. This will avoid long wait times at check-in.
3. Dimensions: The following dimensions MUST be followed so that all cars can be properly raced:
a. The overall length of the car cannot exceed 7 inches.
b. The overall width of the car cannot exceed 2 ¾ inches.
c. The maximum width between the wheels cannot exceed 1 ¾ inches.
d. The car must have at least 3/8th inch clearance underneath the body.
e. The front “nose” of the car must be flush with the starting gate, meaning, “no extended noses”.
f. Height: Cars cannot be taller than 3 ½ inches high so that they will fit under the finish gate.
g. Weights cannot be placed underneath the car -- refer to item d. above for maintaining clearance underneath the car.
4. Race Number: Give your car a three digit racing number using the following guidelines:
- Make the first number of your three digit racing number your Den number.
- Your car’s three digit racing number needs to be placed on the top of your car so that the numbers are easily visible and read, and your car can easily be identified throughout the Derby. Use the numbered stickers that come in the Official Derby Kit to easily label your car, or paint the numbers onto the top of the car. If your car’s number is not easily visible, it will be written on the top of the car with a Sharpie at check-in by the Committee.
- If there are cars with duplicate numbers, we will adjust numbers accordingly to avoid duplication. If your car has the wrong Den number, we will help you to change it. If your car does not have a number, you can either choose a number at check-in or one will be assigned to you. Again, it will be written on the top of the car at check-in.