We are looking forward to continuing our Fall tradition of learning how to have a "Better World" understanding of our similarities and differences during the Passport to Other Lands Pack 310 Cub Scout Meeting this Friday. We will be traveling to The United Kingdom, Mexico, Kenya, and more!
Wolves, Bears, Webelos I & II Den Families have created a hands on cultural immersion activity AND a taste testing opportunity for their selected country. In addition, we will be learning more about becoming Messengers of Peace, an International Scouting Service Movement.
Pack 310 Meeting "Passport to Other Lands"
WHEN: 7:00 - 8:00 pm, Friday, Nov 17th
WHERE: Lincoln Elementary Auditorium
WEAR: Cub Scout Uniform (or selected country attire)
BRING: Donations for Elizabeth House "Wish List" Drive
- Bring your Donation Items FRIDAY to the Pack Meeting & Sign in
- "The Little Things" Wish List ...
The Items listed below are part of The Elizabeth House immediate needs list. The Elizabeth House is a non-profit community organization and safe haven set up to help end
the cycle of homelessness and abuse in women and children through
comprehensive case management, counseling, educational classes, prenatal
care, and resources throughout pregnancy and beyond.
Take your Cub Scouts shopping and encourage them to pick out $5 - 10 worth of the following items and bring to the Pack 310 Meeting on Nov 17th, 7 pm
(Passport to Other Lands World Tour). It's a great opportunity to talk
about helping others in need and without homes to call their own this
holiday season.
- Baby Wipes and Diaper Rash Cream
- Hygiene Items (bath soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hand soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, etc)
- Towels and Wash Cloths
- Ralph's, Von's, or Target Gift Cards (for residents and alumni)
- Batteries (all sizes)
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