Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Pack Meeting- Advancement- Fri 5/29

What: Pack Advancement Ceremony
When: 6:30pm Friday, May 29th
Where: Crescenta Valley Park, in the picnic area by the dog park.

It's the end of the scouting year, help our scouts celebrate their rank advancements!

Please bring a dessert, see pack email for details.
Miss Tina will have her beading ceremony for completing Wood Badge training.

Incoming 2015 Tiger families will be meeting together.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Dine Out Night- May 13th at Joselito's Montrose

What: Dine Out Night Fundraiser for Pack 310
When: 5pm-9:45pm Wednesday, May 13th
Where: Joselito's Montrose (not Tujunga)
2345 Honolulu Ave.
Montrose, CA 91020
(818) 957-1901 

Hello Pack 310 families! 
Take a night off from cooking and join us at Joselito's Montrose to support our pack. Please remember to put your receipt in the box so Pack 310 gets a percentage of the proceeds. Tell your family and friends too!
Thank you! Hope to see you all then!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Saturday, May 9th- Lincoln Elementary Beautification

What: Lincoln Elementary Campus Beautification
When: 8am-11am Saturday, May 9th
Wear: Pack T-shirt and scout cap

ALL Scouts should attend & help clean up the campus, even if they aren't Lincoln students, to give a big Pack 310 THANK YOU to Lincoln Elementary for allowing us to use their facilities for den & pack meetings!